7 Simple & actionable tips for living an Eco-friendly life

Girija Hatti
4 min readOct 12, 2022

An Eco-friendly lifestyle is something that every individual should strive for. It will cost you little effort, and some conscious and mindful decisions from your end.

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do make a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make”- Jane Goodall

To bring the change in my own life, I started searching more about eco-friendly living ideas. To my surprise, it was all little things that can make an impact. We were unaware of how our negligence is causing harm to our nature.

Here I am going to share with you, simple tips to follow that will help you start living an Eco-friendly life. (You don’t have to spend a penny to implement these tips)


We have been hearing this for ages. But do we really follow it?

Do you turn off the lights and other appliances when you are not using them? Do you unplug your charger when you are done charging your phone/laptop? (sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t)

I am sure most of you neglect it (like I used to) but let me tell you these appliances contribute to nearly 20% of your electricity bill.

Every cord that remains unplugged into an outlet is pulling electricity out. Devices that are in sleep/standby mode still consume electricity to perform updates or connect to remote servers. This is also referred to as vampire power.

We already know how much energy and effort goes into generating and supplying electricity. By saving electricity we not only save some money, but we can also help the environment by decreasing power plant emissions( Most power plants burn coal, crude oil, and fossil fuels to generate electricity)

Opt for LED bulbs instead of regular incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs are more energy-efficient and give more brightness.


Water is a precious natural resource and is present in abundance on Earth. Only 0.4% of water is accessible freshwater.

Most of the water bodies are already polluted due to human activities. It has become very difficult for a layman to get access to clean water. We need to ensure that this natural resource is not depleted.

We are privileged enough to get access to clean water. It is our responsibility to use water sensibly and save water.

There is no existence of any creature without water.

Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or applying soap.

Fix the leakages in taps asap. ( Leakages may appear as small drops, you will know how much water is wasted once is collect those dops in a container)

Store and reuse water used for washing rice, grains, vegetables, and fruits. It can be used in watering plants. It will also provide nutrients and minerals to your plants. You can try doing it once a while.

Take shorter showers. Who doesn’t love taking long showers, especially in winter? But taking longer showers will reduce the natural moisture from your skin.

Collect and store Rainwater.

Use water wisely.


With internet access, we get everything delivered to our doorstep. To deliver these products transportation is required which will again add to our carbon footprint.

Shopping from our local shopkeepers and farmers will help them in their financial and economical growth. We can cut down the transportation losses when we shop locally.


A small bag in your pocket/handbag will save millions of marine lives and animal lives.

When you don’t carry your bag you will end up bringing goods in single-use plastics.

The only way to stop using single-use plastics is to carry your own bag with you every time you step out.

You can also encourage other customers by saying no to a plastic bag and get goods in your own bag.


Next time when you go out shopping, try opting for Eco-friendly Products.

Buy products that come in recyclable packaging or glass packaging. Also, check for cruelty-free products.

Carrying a list of items you need will stop you from impulse buying.

We often buy stuff and forget. So give a tour of your kitchen and fridge before you step out for shopping.

Also having a shopping list with you will keep a track of your needs.


Segregate the items which can be recycled and reused. Reuse the old jars for storage or planting saplings instead of throwing them away.

Donate your old books and clothes which you no longer use. It can be helpful for someone else.

Reduce the usage of non-biodegradable items as much as possible.

Masks are a must in recent times. instead of using a new mask every day, buy cloth masks, and reuse them.


Kitchen waste is not really a waste. The fruits/vegetable peels and remains are full of nutrients.

The kitchen waste when not disposed of properly gets mixed up with other wastes, and releases harmful gases such as methane. This can be avoided by simply segregating your kitchen waste and making compost of it.

Making compost is really simple and not smelly if done rightly( I have tried it myself- In an empty container, add an equal amount of dry waste such as dried leaves, twigs, and papers along with the wet waste. Keep mixing the mixture every alternate day. Make a small hole in that container. Your compost will be ready in a month or so)

Try implementing these simple tips in your daily life(I have started doing it). You will start making a positive impact on the environment. You will only have to put in a little effort.

We can surely bring these small changes in our daily lives to help our environment, help us, and our future generation.

I have started doing my bit. It’s time for you to start doing your bit. Will you do it?

“ Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”- Helen Keller



Girija Hatti

SEO Consultant, Copywriter, Content Marketer, Sustainable living practitioner.