My story of Using Menstrual Cups.

Girija Hatti
4 min readMar 12, 2021

Menstruation or menstrual cycle is the regular natural change that occurs in the female reproductive system. It is a natural process and a blessing that comes along with period cramps, mood swings, and uneasiness. Yet a large portion of people in India considers menstruating women as impure.

In India, there are around 336 million menstruating women and only 121 million women are using sanitary napkins. Talking about the menstrual cycle is still a hush-hush affair and that is the main reason menstrual hygiene is a major concern in India.

It is estimated that more than 200 tonnes (21,780millions) of sanitary napkins waste is generated every day, which is a major threat to waste management crises in India.

Disposable Sanitary napkins are made of plastic materials, chemicals that make them nearly impossible to decompose. It will take more than 500–800years to decompose. It has adverse effects on the environment and your health too.

Choosing a biodegradable option is important for your health and a better environment. There are plenty of plants based sanitary pads, reusable cloth pads available in the market. But they are slightly at a higher price which not everyone can afford.

Unlike other pads, Menstrual cups are a one-time investment, and you are done for the next ten years or so based on their quality and maintenance. It is the best Sustainable option when compared to other products.

A menstrual cup is a small, flexible funnel-shaped cup made up of rubber or silicone that you can insert in your vagina to catch and collect your period fluid.

Menstrual cups are available in different sizes based on your age group and considering you had a baby or not. They usually come in 3 different sizes ( S, M, L). Choose the one that fits your age. It may differ from one brand to another brand.

How to Insert?

1. Wash your hands thoroughly

2. Fold the cup into half(vertically) holding it in one hand with the rim facing up.

3. Take a comfortable position and insert it into your vagina.

4. Once the cup is in it will pop open and create an airtight seal.

There are different ways to fold the cup which makes it easier to use.

C-fold, U-fold, 7-fold, S-fold, and origami folding to name a few.

Try the one which you are comfortable with.

I know it sounds really scary. I was scared too. But do not panic. There are plenty of videos that will help you and give you the confidence to use. I could do it easily in a couple of trials. Just relax your mind and body and try.

Ideally, you should empty the cup at least twice a day or depending on your flow.

How to remove?

1. Wash your hands thoroughly.

2. Take a comfortable position(preferably squatting position) and pinch the base to remove the vacuum seal and gently pull it down.

3. Once it is out to empty the cup, give it a good wash with water, wipe it with a clean cloth or tissue and you can reinsert it.

The removal part is slightly tricky. You may not get it at once( I didn’t get it). With trial and error methods you will get it right. Have patience and don’t panic.

CAUTION: Be prepared to witness a crime scene. Jokes apart. If you are someone who can’t tolerate seeing blood then you should look for other eco-friendly options instead of a cup.

How to take care of your cup?

It is simple and easy to maintain your cup.

You need to rinse it out with clean water and use a mild, oil-free, fragrance-free soap to give it a quick clean.

Boil a pot of water and let it sit in the boiling water for not more than 10 mins. Also, make sure that the cup does not touch the bottom of the vessel.

You can store it in the pouch which comes with the packaging of the cup.

If you are away from home then just a normal wash with clean water will do the work. You can reinsert it after emptying it and giving it a good wash with clean water.

Why You Should Choose menstrual cups?

1. It’s easy and convenient to use

2. Prevents dryness and itchiness

3. Safe compared to pads and tampons, no chemicals used.

4. No rashes, stains.

5. Pocket friendly

6. Easy disposal

7. Eco-friendly

8. So comfortable that you forget you are on your periods.

It is more than 6 months since I have been using menstrual cups and I haven’t faced any issues with it. I only have good things to say about it. I am totally in love with it. I wish I had started earlier. Better late than never.

I highly recommend using menstrual cups not just because they are an eco-friendly option. Menstrual Cups will make your period experience a whole lot easier and better.

Do let me know in the comment section if you have any doubts. I would love to know your experience with menstrual cups.

Happy Periods :-)



Girija Hatti

SEO Consultant, Copywriter, Content Marketer, Sustainable living practitioner.